Yeah, that didn't quite work the way that I hoped, oh well. :)
It's New Year's Eve, the last day of the year, and I have seen so many friends and loved ones post recaps on Facebook that I thought perhaps I would take a stab at it myself. After all, 2012 was kind of a big deal for N and I - and as usual we have not done our Christmas cards. I swear, we intend to complete them every year. This year we even went as far as starting to design a card (N really wants a photo card and won't even considering using any of the cards that I have in storage) only to realize that we really didn't have any good pictures of the two of us together! Ruh roh.
Anyway, what to say about 2012? It was a year of accomplishing goals, that is for sure! I finally graduated law school after four grueling years, and N managed not to kill me. It was a wonderful feeling, if a bit anticlimactic. I went on my first "girls" vacation as an adult to celebrate my thirtieth birthday, and no one went to jail!! N and I slugged our way through the bar, and again, no one died. I even passed!
N was offered a new opportunity to expand his horizons at work, which was a major accomplishment and (I personally believe) a sign of how valued he is there. Finally. :) And me? Well, I started my first "real law" job. I'd say real job, but let's be honest, I've had a string of "real" jobs that brought me to this point, so let's just hold on here. I proved myself to be the diva of flexibility and packed my life to transition to Kansas City, without N, and so far we're thriving in our unconventional arrangement. After all, we hit the five year marriage mark in September, the thirteen year together anniversary in October, and no one is trading up for a new model yet.
We've celebrated many new additions as our friends have expanded their families, and I could not be happier to be an honorary auntie all over again. Even though it means that I spent significant portions of the year drinking alone, as sitting next to a pregnant lady while you chug wine just makes you look like you have a problem. I have watched my nephews blossom into charming little boys, watched my sister overcome amazing odds through sheer grit, and realized just how awesome so many of our friends are. It's a damn accomplished group, that is for sure.
Not all of 2012 has been perfect. I miss my husband, cats, family, and friends. We've suffered personal loss, and grieved with others near and far. But I'm hoping that what we pull out of that loss is the continued reminder that we need to grab and cherish what we have. Which means we definitely will have pictures worth sharing in 2013. Next year, I want to be able to show you what happened, so that eighty years from now when I am no longer here our friends and family will also be able to remember.
So raise your glass. Have a blessed 2013. May your challenges be few and your blessings great. May you fail - because it means that you tried. Hug your loved ones, and remind them why they are loved. I will see you on the flip side!.
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