Monday, September 2, 2013

Miss me?? And Anna's Wedding!

Um, so, I haven't posted much in like six months.  Ooops!  I really suck at this whole blogging thing.  I constantly tell myself to just post little things each day a la tumbler, but I forget.  And I have some draft posts that have been sitting around that continue to sit.

In my defense, I've been busy living life.  Making friends, home at least twice a month, trying new experiences . . . it's been a ball.  But, now that the summer is winding down, I'm feeling the itch to communicate with the outside world. I have some projects I want to tackle, plantings, and a plan for my wardrobe (I'll get to that later).

But for now, let's check out my awesome friend Anna's amazing wedding.  Anna is one of my closest friends, even though it seems like we always struggle to be in the same place at the same time!  I am so happy that she met and fell in love with Mike; they are an amazing couple.

Nick and I have the opportunity to help with their wedding the day off, and the amount of work they put in, plus Anna's amazing creativity, plus the stunning location, plus two wonderful people taking vows made for an awesome night.  Just awesome.

Here are a few pictures from before we started the ceremony.  Just beautiful.

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