Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Moving Day!

Well, moving day was Saturday.  But, in the world of moving, and then attempting to blog about it, these things take time.  Mostly because I cannot stand what a mess this place is!

Packing the truck started on Friday.  Which was good, because I don't think that Nick and I could have lived in the condo one.more.day. with the way that it was.  I meant to take a picture, but did not.  Believe me, there were boxes and boxes and furniture stacked everywhere.  Everything started smoothly.  I walked down to the Uhaul and picked up the truck.  I successfully drove it back without cramming anyone, and then even managed to back it into our spot.  Again, imagine the picture that I did not take!!

This is where things get a little whack.  The movers were scheduled to come at noon.  Carissa stopped by, and we were chatting.  At 12:30, I decided to call to see what was up.  Um, I accidentally booked the movers for SATURDAY.  In Chicago.  Just three hours before I booked the movers in Kansas City.  Thankfully, the awesome folks at Windy City Helpers agreed to help me out and come over after their last move of the day.  So, I sat at home, freaking out for a bit, and they came around four.  Boy, could those guys move.  Carissa just sat and watched them.  They hauled it all out and down to the truck, and had everything packed before six.  It was seriously amazing, our movers in Kansas City even commented on how great the load-in was.

Friday evening was a bit rushed with all of the delays.  We scrambled to get the house in some semblance of order, because we had the signing agent from our refinance coming at six.  Thank goodness that she was late, because there was no way that we would have made it by six!  After God only knows how many months of trying, we finally closed on our refinance.  I'm sure that Nick is just thrilled.

Saturday morning we were up and out of the house by 4:30 am.  We had to swing by North Riverside to pick up a dresser, and then we were on the road a little before 5:30.  I took the first leg of the drive, thinking that Nick and I could switch a few times throughout the drive.  It's about eight and a half hours from North Riverside to Kansas City.  I had told the landlord that I'd be there between 2:00 and 3:00, and had scheduled the movers for 3:00, so we wanted to make sure that we had some built-in time in case we hit traffic or had a delay.

After about two hours, I had Nick take over the drive so that I could rest my eyes.  The goofball ended up doing the rest of the drive!  He's definitely more comfortable with the truck, and he actually enjoys driving, so it worked out in the end.  Not to mention, there was zero traffic cutting through southern Illinois and then through Missouri.  And the speed limit is 65.  In the end, we made the drive faster than Mr. Google said and arrived at about 1:15 or so.  Good news was that the movers called on the way and let us know that they wanted to start early.  In the end, we were all unloaded by four.  Of course, then the real madness started with trying to get anything we needed to pick up, unpacking boxes, etc.  But no one wants to hear about that (all three of you that have occasionally peeked at this blog that is).

Just as we started the unload, I ran upstairs and grabbed some quick photos.  I swear that this place looks bigger on camera than it is.  Not that it is terribly small, but OMG does this look spacious!

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